You mentioned Peggy Bulger as one of Charles Wolfe's research associates. Peggy would then have been the Florida state folklorist. Later she became the director of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. She's living in retirement in Florida and still active on PUBLORE (the public folklore listserv). She may have a copy of her in-person interview with Reba Stanley.
Oh interesting, thanks for the tip, I'll try reaching out. I could probably get to the Country HOF tapes with a little effort but I wish they'd digitize and make them publicly available!
You mentioned Peggy Bulger as one of Charles Wolfe's research associates. Peggy would then have been the Florida state folklorist. Later she became the director of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. She's living in retirement in Florida and still active on PUBLORE (the public folklore listserv). She may have a copy of her in-person interview with Reba Stanley.
Oh interesting, thanks for the tip, I'll try reaching out. I could probably get to the Country HOF tapes with a little effort but I wish they'd digitize and make them publicly available!